
Image Property of Sony
Copyright 2006

Today I woke up and put into my Playstation 3 a DVD disc with the documentary Objectified on it.

Please, please, watch this film if you haven't already.

There are a hundred things I could begin to say after the 85m mins. I spent with the documentary, but the one idea it triggered in me most, was the idea of design and self-expression or form over function.

Yesterday, while some friends and I watched the Laker game on TV, someone requested we play Street Fighter IV after the game. Nagging quickly ensued. Everyone had complaints over their effectiveness at winning all due to the game controller in use. Most of us argued that the Microsoft controller was too big and clunky and was very restricting, in terms of what we could and could not do in game. We all came to the consensus that we preferred Sony's Dualshock 3 controller to its Microsoft counterpart. But why?

Because it functions. The user never even notices that the controller is what it is because they don't have to. The invisibility of the pad makes them engage with the software they're using and helps them to never disengage until they themselves are ready. You pick up and play.

It's my presumption that Sony hit the nail in the head when it comes to game controller design. If it were up to me, there would be no other option on the market. It's so well designed in fact, that third party developers have used it as the model for their more affordable options. Even the Microsoft pad has a similar design, although it's different enough to not be presumed a copy.

Ever since it's debut for the Playstation in 1995 the form of the controller has seen very minimal change, all of which came based on necessity towards function.

So why is it not the standard?

Because in the end all that matters is fashion.

We all want a means to differentiate ourselves and be individual.

Not just the end user, but the designer.

As humans we have a need for self expression.

Jose prefers his Xbox 360 and I prefer my PS3. What do they say about us? Essentially that I prefer things to be less complicated. In gaming, Sony is the Apple of its industry.

Take something as simple as a toothbrush and weigh your options.

How many times can we redesign the chair?

We can redesign it endlessly, because as people we are constantly evolving and changing, and one chair for us could never last a lifetime nor could it tell the story of us.


  1. Thanks Val. Did it make sense?

  2. I like it too, ( Barb ). Using Val's computer!! It makes good sense. Very interesting.
